Teachers Should Carry Guns

Teachers Should Carry Guns

Alex Hull

Gun control is getting to be an issue.  There are so many new laws: how is a gun collector supposed to remember them all? Yes, gun control is there for the people’s safety, but why do we need so many?  Some of the laws are only seven in a clip, no assault rifles, and background checks in ammunition and gun buyers.   The only one I agree with is having background checks.  Many people want guns banned because they kill people, when really it isn’t the gun’s fault at all; the person behind the gun is to blame because the gun only does what the handler is telling it to do.  i agree with some of the laws they have made like stricter background checks and you need to be a legal citizen, but I don’t agree with the no more than seven in a clip law because some people like to just go shoot.  Although it is the gun that does the damage, shouldn’t it be more the state’s fault because they sold the person the gun that pulled the trigger or sold the gun to the person that did? I do agree that background checks should be stricter though.   Jeffrey Goldberg Says that “guns are responsible for nearly 30,000 deaths in the US a year, half of them suicides.”.

I agree that some teachers should be able to conceal carry pistols, but they can’t pull them out unless they need to.  I don’t think we should just give them guns;they should go through training to do this.  I agree with Jeffrey Goldberg when he says,“Other measures could be taken as well. Drum-style magazines like the kind James Holmes had that night [July 20, 2012] in Aurora [Colorado], which can hold up to 100 rounds of ammunition and which make continuous firing easy, have no reasonable civilian purpose, and their sale could be restricted without violating the Second Amendment rights of individual gun owners.” I do think 100 rounds is a little much to be carrying.   

According to Steve adubato, gun laws are there for safety; well, then make a law that says every house at least needs one defence weapon.  This could be safer because then everyone is armed and no one would want to kill an armed person.  “When it comes to dealing with the culture of violence in this country and general concerns over allowing our children to become overly desensitized, having them start from kindergarten and go all the way through high school with military weapons in their face is not the way to go.” says Adubato.  This was about having police in school. This might be a good idea though because then a shooting could end before it begins.

I agree that some teachers should be able to conceal carry pistols, but they can’t pull them out unless they need to.  I don’t think we should just give them guns;they should go through training to do this.  If we had teachers carrying concealed weapons in school,  there would be less shootings in the schools.  Of course, they would need proper training to do this; maybe a couple months of training with how to hold it properly, how to conceal it and how to fire it safely.  I don’t think we should just give them guns;they should go through training to do this.  I  The only time the teacher would be able to pull the gun out is if someone was trying to shoot up the school if not they could even leave it in their desks. If not teachers, maybe there should be some security at the doors that have a hand-held metal detector to check you as you come in.  Or, when public buildings get shot up,  what if the front desk or cashier had a gun; then no one would get hurt.  I just think that gun control could be lowered a little bit because if it was then guns could be allowed in more places and there could be more protection.

Works Cited

Background on Gun Control. Web. 05 June 2017.

Gun. Web. 05 June 2017.

“Gun Control – ProCon.org.” Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted in the United States? Web. 05 June 2017.