Paris (France) Weiland


Samantha Burgio

Paris Weiland graduated from Belfast Central School in the class of 1980. She attended Alfred State College with a major in Accounting. Currently, she is employed as a Utility Billing Supervisor in the Borough of Grove City.  She is married to Merle Weiland and lives in Grove City, PA.  She has three daughters and four grandchildren. Paris enjoys returning to Belfast for visits with family and friends, and loves attending the Allegany County Celtic Festival in June.

As she recalls her high school memories, she says that what she enjoyed the most was the small classes, where she came to know all of her teachers and classmates fairly well. She also said that her senior trip was a lot of fun. As to advice for future graduates of Belfast, Paris said: “with work and dedication, you can accomplish anything. Don’t give up on your dreams, because they are attainable.”