Student Council in Crisis


Isabelle Male

Justin Hill, Carter Pictured in front of the snack shack are Justin Hill, Carter Stout, and Mary Hamer, student athletes. Mrs. Barber is a former Student Council adviser who has put many hours of work into the snack shack.

Isabelle Male, Writer

 Here at BCS, the void between Student Council and the student body grows larger day by day. Both parties want extra opportunities for students in grades 9-12, but Student Council is unable to provide extra opportunities due to lack of volunteers and funds.  

Student Council pays for a lot of student activities including the pizza party prize for the homecoming hall decorating contest along with the candy and fun prizes thrown to the enthusiastic students at the homecoming pep rally.  

As everyone knows, money does not grow on trees, so fundraisers are the only way Student Council can accumulate funds. Soccer and baseball concessions have a key role in funding events Student Council hosts, such as prom and homecoming. Student Council is lacking in funds due to a lack of workers. Workers and funds go hand in hand. There are not enough members of Student Council to elect new officers. The only officer who did not graduate last year is the treasurer, who will graduate this year. There are no other officers due to a lack of interest. Younger students will need to move into leadership roles. According to adviser Mrs. Jessica Weaver, “An assembly was held a few weeks ago explaining the need for student body involvement, what student council is about, and what could be added to our school through student council, and it resulted in zero interest.” 

Athletes make up most of the Student Council. Athletes usually cannot work concessions due to games and practices at conflicting times. But there is also another problem — the few workers who can and do work also have jobs outside of school. Additionally, some Student Council members attend games as spectators but don’t help in the snack shack or only do so during halftime.  

The student body needs to step up to the plate if they want a decent prom, lock-ins for juniors and seniors, more dances for high school, and other fun events. Student council has put incentives in place—like a Darien Lake trip at the end of the year, a “Mitten Kid” shopping trip before Christmas, and even a $25 Amazon gift card to get people to work. Nobody signed up to work, even with these incentives in place. Student Council is at a loss regarding what to do when nobody works the snack shack.  Students interested in helping should contact Student Council adviser Mrs. Jessica Weaver.