Grease Comes to BCS Stage


Emalee Carman

“Grease, the Musical” is being performed at Belfast Central School on March 24th and 25th at 7:00. This is an ensemble piece with Sean Mahon playing Danny and Ava Aronson playing Sandy. A complete cast list is below. 

I interviewed the runner and c0-director, Mrs. Brennan, about the upcoming performance. 

 “Why was Grease chosen as this years musical?” 

“I was trying to find something fun and something students would recognize. Also having the community relate to it is something in consideration. The music is easy and quick to learn. 

“What was the casting process?” 

“We had to put out signs, so the people who were interested could grab the script, practice ahead of time and learn the songs. After Christmas break, during advisement period, students could come to my room and practice. As a director, learning and rehearsing is a scary process.” 

“What is the practice schedule like?” 

“The practice schedule is based on the sports schedule. There are forty students in the cast, so we must work around all twelve sports. The announcements of when to practice always come out on the Thursday prior to the next week.” 

Make sure to catch this performance by the BCS high school students! They have been working almost every day to make this musical perfect.